News and Happenings
Belmar Arts
2023 Juried Art Show
My work, "Conversation at Dusk" will be on display
from May 29 to July 8, with an opening reception on June 2 from 3 to 5PM!
The gallery and reception are free and open to the public
Belmar Arts Center is located at:
608 River Road
Belmar, NJ 07719
Medieval Festival at Ft. Tryon Park
October 2nd 2022
11:30 AM - 6:00 PM
After having been canceled twice because of the pandemic, Ft. Tryon Park in New York City once again becomes a Medieval Town for a day! There will be music, jousting, dance, jugglers, and lots of food! Look for me at the Riverside Market Music Niche, where I'll be singing songs of Early Italy and The British Isles!
Belmar Arts
2022 Juried Art Show
My work, "Recital at the Lair of the Dragon" will be on display
May 25-July 9, with an opening reception on June 4!
The gallery and reception are free and open to the public
Masks are required.
Please do come!
Belmar Arts Center is located at:
608 River Road
Belmar, NJ 07719
The Art Alliance of Monmouth
35th Annual Juried Exhibition
My work, "Fractal Arrangement in Purple" has been accepted, and will be on display during the month of April, with an opening reception on April 2 from 6 to 8 PM.
Belmar Arts
2021 Juried Art Show
My fractal, "Portals from Portals" will be on display!
May 16-June 18
This is a Virtual Exhibition
Virtual Opening
May 16 at 5:00 PM
Sanctuary Exhibit
My fractal, "Recital at the Lair of the Dragon" will be on display
at 10 PRL in Long Branch, NJ
515 Bath Ave 2nd FL
Exhibition dates: December 10 to December 13
The virtual exhibit will be at, https://www.monmoutharts.org/sanctuary
from December 10 through January 2021.
The Guild of Creative Art
28th Annual Open Juried Show
My Fractal, "Semi-precious Secret" won The Friedlander Award for Abstract Art!!!
Judges' Comments: "The vision of this piece is captured through crisp lines and lovely color gradations color. The
asymmetrical form in the center with its round element warms up the piece and may indeed hold its secret.
It's on display right now, in the virtual exhibition, and at the Guild's special onsite gallery exhibit, “Award Winners of the Guild of Creative Art October Online Open Juried Show”, now through the end of December, at 620 Broad Street, Shrewsbury NJ.
Viewing hours are Tuesday and Thursday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Face coverings and social distancing are required.
For more information, call 732-741-1441 or email guildofcreativeart@verizon.net
The Art Alliance of Monmouth
Summer Virtual Art Exhibition
In response to the pandemic, The Art Alliance is making its summer exhibition a virtual one. Once again, I am thrilled to have my work included in this!
The Art Alliance of Monmouth
Spring Virtual Art Exhibition
In response to the pandemic, The Art Alliance is making its spring exhibition a virtual one. I am honored to be a part of it!
I'm proud to have been chosen as a featured artist in this exhibition, which was created as Monmouth Arts response to the COVID-19 outbreak, which resulted in the postponement of their ArtSpace 105 exhibits.
Medieval Festival at Ft. Tryon Park September 29, 2019
11:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Ft. Tryon Park in New York City becomes a Medieval Town for a day! There will be music, jousting, dance, jugglers, and lots of food! Look for me at the Riverside Market Music Niche, where I'll be singing songs of Early Italy and British Isles!
Belmar Art Walk will be on Saturday, April 28, and guess who, among many wonderful artists, will be playing the early and traditional music of the British Isles and Italy, as well as her own music? Me!
Explore the lively main street area of Belmar, NJ, and enjoy local visual and performing artists. There will be live music, a diverse array of mediums on displays, demonstrations, a self-guided mural walk, photo scavenger hunt and more.
A closing reception, from 4:00 - 5:00 PM, will be held at the Belmar Arts Center, where you will be able to meet the artists, wander our new sculpture garden and enjoy light refreshments!
My Painting, "Zabulon Skipper", has been accepted to the JAS 14 Annual Juried Art Show at Belmar Arts Center!
Show dates: Wednesday, March 28 – Thursday, May 3
Awards Reception: Saturday, April 7 from 5-7pm"
The gallery and reception are free and open to the public! Please do come!
Belmar Arts Center is located at:
608 River Road
Belmar, NJ 07719